Saturday, 3 January 2009

The new Doctor Who...

So, the wait is over. Here is an interview with Matt Smith, the new Doctor Who.

I heard on the radio he was a possibility this morning, but have never seen him in anything to have a firm judgment. But, just from the interview above, there are a few things I decided.

- He has a really great look. Unconventional but in mystical way. That's a good thing, even if it doesn't sound like it.
- He is obviously a very normal, nice guy and think definitely down to Earth enough to survive the pressure.
- He is going to be a very different Doctor from David Tennant, and that is exactly what we need. Someone trying to be Tennant will just be a pale imitation. So I'm glad they went for someone different.
- His age will make for really interesting dynamics: maybe his companion will look much older, and his age may make people less likely to trust him.
- Everyone is really enthusiastic about him and the new series. And that is only going to make for a great series.

So, overall, I think it will take seeing him in action before I can make up my mind fully. But so far, I am quite excited to see where it goes! In fact, now I am more excited about Matt Smith than sad about David Tennant. I guess that's what they were hoping for when they announced him.
Good luck Matt! You have most of us on your side...

Matt Smith
Matt Smith

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