Friday, 17 April 2009

No post since January?!

I've been a bad blogger, I know. No updates for months? I could say I'd been very busy (which would be true) but it is no excuse for radio silence.

Quick catch-up on my life:
I turned 17: and feel exactly the same as I did before. Here's hoping 18 brings some come of severe emotional change.
My grandma died: went to Scotland for the funeral etc. but to be honest, it's still all a bit of a blur.
Had a couple of school trips: a day of Hardy, Spanish Civil War lecture (where we managed to witness some historical beef) and a day at Cambridge (which comforted and freaked me out in equal measure)
This month is Script-Frenzy: the scripting equivalent of NaNoWriMo. Already finished my 100-word screenplay and it's not bad!
I've been living by Lost recently - it has taken over my life! I am completely addicted, and in some ways, pleased it's got an end-date because now, things are getting interesting!
Back to writing TBLAJ - the novel I wanted to write in NEW YOKR but NEW YORK was so amazing, I had no time. But I'm really enjoying writing it - I may blog about it at some point. You know, if I ever get around to starting it proper.
Bought a JohnnyDurham t-shirt: one of only 120. Was a very exciting day it came in the post and I love it! And my blob. (JohnnyDurham is a YouTuber for those who don't know, he is way cool: check him out!)
John Green's (vlogbrothers, more YouTubers, are also very cool) news that his new book is only available through ThisIsNotTom (online riddle game, to put it mildly!) has re-sparked my interest in the site. I'm still not clever enough to solve the riddles... thank God for spoilers!
I got Dailybooth - a website where you take a picture of yourself every day. Check me out!

So, yeah, stuff been happening which has kind of taken over from blogging. Got exams in April/May/June so, may be a while before I'm in a swing again. However, I can feel a couple of blogs about STUFF rather than my own (boring) life coming up so be warned!

GAY UPDATE: You'd think after months of silence, there'd be loads to say. And there's a bit to say. NUKE wins these few months hands down! I have really been enjoying it recently: there have been no break-ups, more kissing, more character development, better acting (if that was possible) and now they're all tied up! Dislike the twins, but then I'm supposed to so... excited for the next few weeks of Damian et al. HollyOaks has nothing (sad times) and it was a sad day when John Paul and Craig left the Gays Of Daytime banner: they will be missed. Ollian... step up a gear! I mean, they're still a couple, still cute but they need their own story-line. And soon! There's a serious drought over here! New Dutch story-line hasn't started yet, but I think it should be good. At I've been neglecting Brothers and Sisters but there has been little Kevin + Scotty action. Jason Lewis' return this week sets to change that...

Yeah, so the idea is, this blog is going to be less about me and more about stuff in the coming months. So... see you when I have some ideas!

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