Friday, 27 November 2009


Despite being English and this being the day AFTER thanksgiving, I am going to give you a list of the (top) fifty things I'n thankful for. In no particular order.

1. Johnny Durham t-shirts
2. Orange Wednesday
3. Mark Kermode and Simon Mayo Radio Show and Podcast
4. Gay characters on daytime/primetime
5. All my awesome YouTube subscriptions
6. The fact that no one (as yet and this is not an invitation) has stolen my username on any website I have tried to join
7. Awesome charities (but mainly Envision)
8. Musically inclined parents
9. My free trip to Japan
10. Great friends
11. M&S 2-for-1 offers on smoked salmon
12. A good education
13. Attractive celebrities
14. NaNoWriMo and the people that run it
15. Harry Potter and affiliated products
16. My MacBook
17. My cat
18. The awesome people who designed the awesome things I have decorated my wall with
19. Student discounts
20. Live music
21. My Hello Kitty bottle of water with boobs (and the existence of such boob water)
22. 4od and iPlayer
23. Twitter and the people who use it properly
24. Free software
25. Independant record shops
26. Muji stationary
27. Moleskin notebooks
28. Investigative journalism
29. My impending ability to vote
30. The fact that I have never had a story good enough to send into FML
31. PostSecret Sundays
32. Wikipedia and it's committed editors
33. Spell Check
34. Homework extensions
35. Ikea furniture
36. York Notes Advanced
37. The Peanuts cartoons
38. Amazon quick delivery
39. An unflooded home
40. Electricity
41. Friends re-runs
42. Free periods
43. Charity book shops
44. YumBoxes
45. New Overground trains
46. My lovely bed
47. Google Maps
48. My mum's secret Cherry Drop stash
49. Cheap box-sets
50. Firefox

So, there you have it. Top fifty things I am thankful for. Next blog WILL be my belated Japan Tweets, just as soon as I find the notebook I wrote them in...


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