So, not that anyone has been checking, but it has been almost 9 months since I updated this blog. 9 months! What the hell?! I mean, it's probably because my life has been so exciting. Take a look.
- I went to Lansdowne College and did a whole Government and Politics A-Level in one term. Then I got an A*. So that was a lot of work.
- I reapplied to university, this time for English Literature. I got into 4 out of 5, after another interview at Warwick, and accepted a place there.
- As The World Turns ended. That was pretty heartbreaking.
- I went to see Kelly Stoltz at the Borderline as well as Jonathan Richman and Johnny Flynn at The Luminaire, my favourite music venue which has now shut down.
- I went to a family wedding in Scotland and learnt some super-cool cèilidh dancing (which, I would like to add, I was much better at that many of the 'truly' Scottish people).
- I gave blood twice, one time which went well and one time which was quite horrible.
- I bought six teefury t-shirts.
- I completed NaNoWriMo and tried (but failed again) to complete ScriptFrenzy.
- I started, and completed, watching The Office (US version) and am now something of an addict. I also watched the first season of Mad Men.
- I got a Tumblr in order to waste time when I should have been revising for exams.
- Some family came down to London (aunt, second cousin, Scottish people etc.) and I got to hang out with them and do awesome touristy stuff.
- I went to a party and was really boring but made some awesome friends called Geek Corner. And, despite IT NOT BEING A RUSE AND NO ONE NEEDING TO LEAVE THE ROOM, there is this guy...
- I had Christmas at home.
- I went to see The Room three times.
- I turned 19.
- I went to St. Ives for a long weekend - soaked in the awesome, had the best meal of my life, had the whole guest house to myself and so preceded to do a lot of loud dancing late at night.
- Tried and failed to be a part of a collaborative vlogging project.
- Got many jobs, mostly looking after other people's children but sometimes looking after handbags as well.
- Voted Yes to AV (after much, much deliberation).
- Lost most of my friends to all four corners of the globe.
When I put it like that, see, you might be mistaken for thinking the reason I have been so bad at updating my blog is because I've been so busy. The real reason is... I don't know what the real reason is. I don't think it's the busy thing - since exams have ended especially there have been plenty of days where I've done less than nothing and could easily have written this exact blog post.
And also don't think it is because I haven't had enough things to blog about. I could have blogged about my brief foray into private education or the last ATWT or the decision to make Maxxie a girl in the American Skins or why I can consistently win NaNoWriMo but not ScriptFrenzy. I even drafted some of these, left them to ferment on my desktop for days but to no avail.
Maybe the answer, weak though it may be, is that you just forget. It's just as easy to get out of the rhythm of blogging as it originally was to get into it. Or maybe, much like meeting up with a friend you haven't seen for years, you quickly get to the stage where there's too much to catch up on. But I tried, and at least now maybe I'll remember about this blog.
And, if not, at least you know where my Tumblr is now. :P
Wow you guys have made that party actually *significant* (though no one stole any laptops)
And no one fell in a pond - it was *barely* a party at all...
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