Tuesday, 17 August 2010

BEDA #16 - Unicorns, Dragons and Prince Charming

Today was the most exciting day ever, I just have to BEDA about it!

I woke up to Bob Dylan serenading me awake - he was passing by and, as he's been following my BEDA, he wanted to make sure I had something interesting to Tweet about.

Then I finished filming for my episode of 'Who Do You Think You Are?' and it turns out I'm related to the royal family and have a better claim to the throne than Charles. So, expect me to me the next monarch of this country.

Then my best friend, Harry Potter, dropped by and gave me some Felix Felicis for results day. Normally he'd be breaking lots of Ministry Decrees but once Kingsley Shacklebolt heard about my nerves the entire wizarding population begged him to act. I'm very popular over there.

Next it was dinner time and I managed to get into The Ivy. Because so many people wanted to join me for dinner, I had to do the rounds. It was very tiring but I did get to eat a bit of every meal on the menu for free.

The last person I sat with invited me to a house party that was being hosted by Stephen Fry. We got into a debate about the use of knowledge in the new technological age (I won, of course) and then we played chess (again, I won).

Finally I got a lift home in a Dharma van driven by Hurley; he's making a visit to the mainland and wanted to stop by for a visit. We played the Star Wars quote game all the way home, and my company was so dazzling he drove around the block several times.

At home, I had several e-mails mainly from popular YouTubers asking me to endorse their channels but I don't have the time because it's taken me several hours to reply to all my own comments. Bob came back and played me to sleep.

But then I woke up because I remembered BEDA and the thousands of you religiously waiting for me to post.

I won't let you down.

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