Friday, 27 August 2010

BEDA #26 - Freedom Trail, Sunshine And As The World Turns

Hello all! The sun came out in Boston today so we took the opportunity to do the Freedom Trail, which traces a route between the oldest and most historic parts of Boston (and often the US) including many related to the American War Of Independance. We started at the blah blah blah; if you wanna list, Google it. Yes, it was all very interesting and picturesque but much more importantly I watched my first full episode of ATWT. Here is the liveblog what I wrote during it.


Watching a whole episode of As The World Turns for the first time. Liveblog! 

- Reid is so cute with his little OCD ways. 

- Luke - could you be more obvious? Although you have a fair point... 

- Since when were Will and Gwen in town? 

- I don't know how any of the people are related. Whose Gwen's mum? Whose Will's mum? And why are they staying with Emily?

- I've always liked Henry. But am I supposed to be happy about him and Barbara or creeped out? 

- Also, did not know Paul was her son. I need some kind of Oakdale family tree. Although it's a bit late now. 

- Oh, Barbara is Will's mum too. So Paul is his brother. 

- Wait, Paul is Henry's brother too?! So much incest in this town. 

- Just because Chris wants to lie to his partner-person doesn't mean he should force or expect Reid too. 

- Luke advising people to let people worry about them?! Shocker (!) 

- Reid is sweet but a bad liar. Just tell Katie!

- It's weird to watch this in decent quality. 

- Reid has the cutest facial expressions. I just wanna pinch his cheeks. 

- I feel tension between Barbara and Emily. Power struggle for Paul's affection. 

- How often have Henry and Barbara been on/off?!

- Those are some seriously shocked and awed faces. 

- Also, Will and Gwen have been in town and not met up with Luke? Rude... 

- There are A LOT of adverts. And they are weird. Do they have to read out the possible side-affects of nasal spray? It makes it sound scary. 

- Way to attempt to cheer everyone up Emily. It's a bit like doing a cheerleader routine at a wake. 

- What's Fairwinds?! 

- 'You're in and out of heels.' That did make me lol. 

- The show is ending soon Paul. I doubt there's enough time for them to marry AND divorce.

- You tell him Reid! 

- It's not all your fault Luke. Chris is acting like a twat. I do not like him. 

- I've always liked Will and Gwen. They're the Nathan and Haley of Oakdale. 

- That was one sunshine smile Luke. 

- Very true Henry. No one in Oakdale should be casting stones. 

- What, so Barbara is about to marry her ex-husband's son? To give Paul his credit, that is weird. 

- They do have to read out all the possible side-affects. How do they ever sell medicine?! 

- Dear Activia, 'desserty' is not a word. 

- Luke and Noah are still together in the bumper. That's so sad. 

- Ooh a political ad. That's weird to see. 

- Wait, Parker is Will's brother too?! This show makes my head spin. 

- So Hal is Parker's dad? The cop who got shot on the job? Or did I make that name up? 

- Aw Reid, how romantic (!)

- Okay, they are really cute. 

- 'The whole enchillada'? That's some beautiful, elegant imagery there Reid.  

- Man, another kiss and a half!

- Cockblocked by a rattle, that's a new one. 

- 'To be continued...' That sounds like the kind of thing someone says before they die. 

- Your sunshine smile's not bad either Reid. 

- Is this pre-school just on the road in Old Town? Is there anything Oakdale does't have? An airport, a hospital, multiple daycares, a university... not bad for a small town.  

- Emily doing adverts?! Ha ha ha.

- There was a really sudden lighting change... 

- Gwen is totally the voice of reason. 

- Luke has a good mock-serious face. A worse lie-to-Katie face though... 

- The Bold and The Beautiful looks way worse than As The World Turns. Why isn't it cancelled?!

- Surely Chris is not gonna keep lying! 

- Who's John Dixon?!

- Why are Henry and Barbara living at The Lakeview?

- Henry, I don't think you're allowed to withdraw marriage proposals. 

- Wait, I still don't know who John Dixon is?!         


So there you have it. See you tomorrow for something a little more cultural. Maybe.

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